Exploring AI's Morality: Answers to the Trolley Problem and Beyond

15 thought experiments, 15 answers. Thought Experiment’s sourced from: 15 Philosophical Thought Experiments That Will Definitely Blow Your Mind by Adarsh Badri Experiment 1: What is the Ship of Theseus? Prompt: What is the Ship of Theseus? AI’s Answer: The Ship of Theseus is a classic philosophical thought experiment that raises questions about identity and change. Here’s one way to approach it: The identity of the Ship of Theseus depends on how we define the essence of the ship....

July 7, 2024

Be A Man, Wear the Rat Cage

What the heck? … A Rat Cage?? Stick with me! Being a Man Being a man is all about handling your business, no matter which way your life takes you. Handling yourself in the best way that you possibly can in the circumstances that you find yourself… while also taking responsibility for what got you into your current circumstances in the first place. Stop Blaming Other People Blaming others is a dangerous game, first of all, it makes you look weak - like you can’t handle your own problems so you pass the buck onto someone else....

May 6, 2024